Air Duct Cleaning

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HVAC Air Duct Professional
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No matter how often you use your HVAC system, it likely contains some unwanted contaminants. This includes debris, microbial growth, and dirt. If your office HVAC ducts are not cleaned routinely, it can affect your office’s air quality and the health of your employees

Professional ductwork cleaning before and after

Why Is Commercial Air Duct Cleaning Important?

As a business owner, you want your work environment to be as healthy as possible. If it’s not, it will negatively impact your health, the health of your employees, and possibly the health of anyone visiting your office for services. Cleaning your air ducts is an investment, but it’s an investment that pays dividends in the health, happiness, and feeling of comfort for your building’s occupants.

Save Money
The more money your business saves, the more successful it can be. Dirty air ducts burn more energy. This leads to increased energy expenses.
During the winter months, the heating bills skyrocket because the furnace has to work harder. You will probably need to replace your furnace with greater frequency because it is constantly contaminated by dirt stuck in your HVAC ducts. These continued repairs are expensive.

Get Rid of Indoor Odors
The cleaner the air ducts of your commercial building are, the better the air inside your building will smell. Dirty air ducts have a moldy smell. This is because they have mildew, dust, and dirt that have accumulated in them. If you can keep your commercial environment odor-free, you will make it easier for people to work and visit comfortably.

Keep the Air Contaminant-Free
If you keep your air ducts clean, you will prevent dirt from accumulating in the ductwork of the building. This will have a positive effect on employees, especially if you have people who work in your building who suffer from asthma or allergies. Clean air ducts are vitally crucial for buildings where children or senior citizens visit frequently. These demographics are more susceptible to the health issues that dusty air vents could cause.

What Is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?

Duct cleaning

Sick building syndrome is a term used when a building’s occupants have acute health effects that seem to be linked to the amount of time they spend in the building. However, there is no specific illness that is identified. The issue could be widespread, affecting the entire structure, or it may only affect one room or one building zone.

Three factors indicate SBS: The building’s occupants feel symptoms linked to discomfort. These include throat, eyes, and nose irritation, headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to odors. The reasons for the symptoms are unknown. Most people feel relief from their symptoms once they leave the building.

When there are reports of SBS, an investigation is carried out. It starts with a walk-through inspection of the area that is causing the problem. The goal is to identify the factors that are negatively impacting air quality. Usually, these factors include:
- The occupants
- Possible pollutant pathways
- The HVAC system
- Possible sources of contamination

Poor building design or poor building ventilation are major contributing factors to sick building syndrome. This is especially seen in big commercial buildings and office spaces that are designed to accommodate a large number of people. A poorly designed ventilation system or a ventilation system that is not correctly maintained will negatively affect the indoor air quality, which can lead to SBS.

One of the best ways to minimize SBS is to perform regular HVAC maintenance. This is because your HVAC system is the primary cause of poor indoor air quality. The contaminants inside your HVAC system are distributed via air ducts throughout the building. You must schedule periodic HVAC maintenance to guarantee no pollutants are impacting the air quality of your building.

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